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Talk 1-to-1 with an experienced copywriter and learn how Impeccable Writing can help you boost your business.

Schedule a free 1-to-1 consultation to explore how we can improve your business through quality content writing and digital marketing.

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"I jumped position from 54th place to 4th place in Google with one of Impeccable Writing's articles."

Bibi Burness

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BW Productions

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Your Questions,


  • What is a content marketing strategy?
    A content marketing strategy outlines the content we will create in the coming months. It identifies the topic, article title, keywords (including their search volume), type of content, location in the content funnel, proposed publication date, and any similar, competing articles. Once created, a content marketing strategy allows production to occur on time, ensuring you publish content regularly on your site. With some sites publishing several articles and pieces a week, using a content marketing strategy keeps the process organised for everyone involved.
  • What is a content pillar?
    A content pillar is a core topic or concept relevant to your industry. These content pillars are then used to help think up new article ideas. For example, if you are a mountain biking company, your content pillars could be "bike maintenance," "bike reviews," "biking news," and "recommended cycle routes." Rather than starting from scratch, content pillars help spark new ideas for future content, from how-to guides to opinion pieces.
  • Can I order a specific article(s)?
    Yes. If you want to order a particular article(s) and you've already done the keyword research, we're more than happy to write it to your requirements. We're always flexible with clients. We'll meet your needs, whatever they may be. We do request that you order a minimum of 1,000 words and that no article should be shorter than 500 words.
  • How do you identify keywords?
    Keyword selection is an art. We use multiple tools, including Google Keyword Planner, to initially identify keywords relating to a topic or industry. We will also perform a Google search, looking at related terms and recommended questions to identify popular search terms. When we appraise each keyword, we consider search volume and competitiveness. In general, we prioritise keywords with low competitiveness and high search volume – balancing these factors when necessary. If a keyword has a high user search intent, we may consider it, even if the search volume is low.
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